Brownwood Public Library's
History and Genealogy Research Branch
213 S. Broadway Street
Brownwood, Texas 76801
(across from the front of the Brown County
The Brownwood Public
Library has made it easier for folks to do genealogy
and historical research by opening the first ever
"Local History & Genealogy Library" of a public
library. By placing it across the street from
the Brown County Courthouse and just two blocks from
the Brown County Museum of History, it gives people an
"all in one" place to do their research.
This branch
library has all the books, microfilm and computers
needed to chase down that bit of history on an
ancestor you are looking for. This includes the
microfilm of the Brownwood Bulletin, Brownwood
Banner (1954-55-56), City Directories from 1909,
phone books, cemetery burial lists, marriage records,
history books on Brown County and surrounding
counties, access to online census though 1940, Sanborn
maps on microfilm, Also index of births from 1903 -
1976 in Texas and deaths from 1906 - 1973 in
Texas. Brown County Tax Rolls from 1859 - 1910;
District Court Records 1860 - ; Index to Revolutionary
War Pensions Applications and Boundy-Land Warrant
Files A-s. The Federal Records of World War II,
and Brown County newspaper clippings on World War II.
They have
the Postmasters and Post Officer of Brown County
from 1858 -1930; a Black History Section and Hunter's
Frontier Times Magazine data base from 1923 -
1954. There are Texas history books and
knowledgeable people onsite to help you in your
research. They have a printer, copy machine,
coffee, cold drinks, tables to work on. It is a
great research center for people like you!
It is open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Tuesday through
Friday. The courthouse is open from 8:30 am
until 5 pm, Monday through Friday, and the Brown
County Museum of History is open from 10:00 am until 2:00
pm, Thursday and Friday, and from 10:00 am until 4:00
pm on Saturdays.
Pecan Valley Genealogy Society:
The Genealogy Library also
has the Brownwood Bulletin Morgue File, the Tessica
Martin Collection, and the Lorene Bishop Collection,
plus books on the members of the 36th Infantry
Division at Camp Bowie, soldiers from Texas during
World War II, and all of the Historical Society
Of course the County Clerk's Office (325-646-5514)
located in the courthouse and has the original birth,
death and marriage licenses of which you can get
copies. Plus, deed records. The
courthouse burned in 1880 so there are no records
prior to that date.
The Brownwood Library Online has all the books and
media in the Brownwood Library system listed,
including the Genealogy and History Branch.
Brownwood Library:
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